
The Business Case for an ISMS

This E-book will guide you through the process of ISMS implementation.

Understanding the role of an ISMS in information security can help you plan out your ideal one in line with your organisational needs. This whitepaper provides a “recipe for success” for establishing an ISMS.

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Look inside:

  • In today’s business world, information and data are considered as the most valuable assets of an organisation due to the benefits they bring. But at the same time, they are also susceptible to a variety of threats.
  • Additionally, due to strict data protection laws, any breach in cybersecurity has become too expensive — enough to put many organisations out of business.
  • This is where an ISMS comes into play. In this whitepaper, we have covered all you need to know about establishing an ISMS, its importance, and its connection with ISO 27001.
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